Creators First editor-in-cheif Masayoshi Sakamoto Follow :6 Articles:334 The first editor-in-chief of HOKUROKU. His main translation and collaborative writing are "General Guides of Cool Japan" and "365 Days of Magnificent Views in Japan". Articles written Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, JapanSuicides first hit 30,000 in the 100 years. The numbers in Hokuriku also surged [25-year ago today] Civic pride Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan Jun. 10, 1999Tomoe Terakoshi in Kanazawa travels to North Korea to reunite with her son [25-year ago today] Civic pride Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan Jun. 07, 1999Family Park's giraffe "moves" to Wakayama [25-year ago today] Civic pride Quarter Century Ago Today of Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fukui, Japan Civic pride Japanese bush warbler song echoing at the foot of Mt. Utatsu-yama Hokuriku sounds The sound of an electric bell-type railroad crossing inside Eiheijiguchi Station Hokuriku sounds Snow shoveling and removal methods and tools in the snowy region. The teachings of the Self-Defense Forces are helpful for both locals and not Vol. 2How to tie a lifeline Civic pride 雪国北陸の雪かき・雪下ろし方法と道具。地元の人も移住者も役立つ自衛隊の教えとは 第1話The art of snow shoveling Civic pride ‹ 1 … 7 8 9 … 11 › 57〜64 of 85