


About 30 workers resumed wiping off contamination with rags after a cooling water leak at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 [25-year ago today]


Japan Atomic Power Company (head office: Tokyo) announced that the radiation concentration inside the reactor containment vessel rose to 250 times the usual level after a cooling water leak at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2.


Decontamination work was temporarily suspended due to the spread of contamination more than expected. About 30 workers with rags resumed wiping off the cooling water leaking from a crack in the stainless steel pipe.

Q. What kind of accident was it?

The accident occurred on July 12, 1999.


An alarm was triggered to indicate a primary coolant leak (a fluid that flowed inside the reactor containment vessel and directly removed heat in the reactor).

Consequently, workers manually shut down the reactor.

敦賀発電所2号機格納容器内一次冷却材漏えい事故 - 原子力百科事典
敦賀2号機 再生熱交換器連絡管からの一次冷却材漏えいに関する再発防止対策 - 関西電力

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