Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan



Fushiki Port, Tsuruga Port, and Nanao Port celebrate their 100th anniversary of opening [25-year ago today]


Fushiki Port (Fushiki Toyama Port) in Toyama Prefecture, Tsuruga Port in Fukui Prefecture, and Nanao Port in Ishikawa Prefecture celebrated their 100th anniversary of opening, and several events opened in many locations throughout the Hokuriku region by the 12th.


At Nanao Port, mayors and citizen representatives from sister and friendship cities visited to promote friendly relationships.

Q. What does the 100th anniversary of a port’s opening mean?

On July 13, 1899, Imperial Ordinance No. 342, “Regarding the opening of ports and the designation of goods exported at the opening of ports,” newly designated 22 ports nationwide as opening ports that allowed commerce and trade with foreign countries.


The original signed document said they were listed as the opening ports in the Hokuriku region as follows:


Tsuruga in Echizen Province
Nanao Minamiwan Bay in Noto Province
Fushiki in Etchu (now Toyama) Province


開港及開港ニ於テ輸出スヘキ貨物ノ指定ニ関スル件・御署名原本・明治三十二年・勅令第三百四十二号 - 国立国会図書館

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