Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan



Kirino Natsuo, born in Kanazawa, won the Naoki Prize [25-year ago today]


The 121st Naoki Prize selection committee decided that the winner of the first half of 1999 was Soft Cheeks, written by Kirino Natsuo.


A selection committee member and author, Inoue Hisashi, introduced the committee’s acclaim for Kirino Natsuo at a press conference.

Q. Is Kirino Natsuo from Kanazawa?

Kirino was born in Kanazawa when her father, who worked for a construction company, was transferred to Kanazawa, and she spent her early childhood up to the age of three in a company apartment near Tentokuin Temple, in Kodatsuno, Kanazawa.


Although she had almost no memories of living in Kanazawa, she told in an interview with the Monthly Hokuriku Actus in 1993 that she was proud of her birth in Kanazawa, which had an indescribable elegant atmosphere.


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