Quarter Century Ago Today of Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fukui, Japan



A large amount of cocaine was found on a Russian ship entering Toyama Port [25-year ago today]


The Toyama Prefectural Police found approximately 70 brown paper packages containing cocaine on the Russian Nakhodka-registered timber cargo ship Surgat at Toyama Port’s No. 8 quay in Kusajima, Toyama City.


The Toyama Prefectural Police have further pursued the self-proclaimed sailor, Khojakhmetov Temir, and have begun interrogating him about sales routes.

Q. How was the cocaine found?

On the morning of the 6th, suspect Khojakhmetov Temir disembarked from the Surgat anchored at Toyama Port and was about to head to Toyama City by bicycle. The police officer and customs official discovered and questioned him.


Because he had hidden a plastic bag containing 2.6 kg of raw opium inside juice cartons, they arrested the suspect for violating the Customs Act and the Opium Act (illegal possession).


About 50 people, including investigators from Toyama Prefectural Police, searched the Surugat, and by the 9th, they had found about 70 brown paper packets containing a drug believed to be cocaine.


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