Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan



Kawachiya started selling Stick Cheese Kamaboko [25-year ago today]


Kawachiya (Uozu City), a fish sausage manufacturer, had started selling its new product as Stick Cheese Kamaboko in Toyama and Ishikawa prefectures, which received favorable comments in test sales.


The ingredients of the fish sausage that sandwich cheese are minced cod, flounder, and sea bream. The price was 500 yen for a pack.

Q. What is Stick Cheese Kamaboko?

This fish sausage with cheese debuted in 1999 and was renewed in 2014 as Bous.

It has won numerous awards since its launch and has become a popular product, selling 200,000 units annually.


Several residents pushed it as the most favorable local souvenir when Hokuroku interviewed.

Relate: Stylish, Cute, Delicious, and Popular Souvenirs Report in Toyama Vol. 3


Relate: Stylish, Cute, Delicious, and Popular Souvenirs Report in Toyama Vol. 40

創業当時から貫いてきた変わらない「新しい商品を作ることへの姿勢」。挑戦し続けてきた老舗かまぼこ屋が生み出した、年間20万個販売するスティックかまぼこ「棒S(ボウズ)」の開発秘話 - PR TIMES

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