Toyama Museum Incident | Legal Verdict Challenge by Lawyer I
This is the sequel to the legal “puzzle-solving” content by Ken Ito, a lawyer and one of the members of the Hokuroku team.
In the seemingly cold and heartless world of law, where logic and human sentiment clash, this irregular series takes a closer look at famous incidents in the Hokuriku region that resulted in remarkable verdicts.
The setting for this series is the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, which closed in 2016 and was relocated and renovated as the Toyama Prefectural Art Museum (the building still stands). The series focuses on the Toyama Prefectural Art Museum Incident, a 15-year legal battle over the Emperor Collage, framed in a puzzle-solving style.
The series explores the clash of arguments between those advocating for freedom of expression through a specific artwork, those who find it offensive and take action, the museum withdrawing the artwork, and the citizens who demand to see it.
Once all the arguments are laid out, readers are invited to think like a judge and consider whose claim is “right”, along with the reasoning behind it.
In the final of the five episodes, Ito will explain the verdict issued by the judge in the real-life trial. Check the “answer” with the ruling made by the professional judge.
Masayoshi Sakamoto
Hokuroku Editor-in-Chief
Related: Kanazawa City Hall Plaza Incident | Legal Verdict Challenge by Lawyer I