Quarter Century Ago Today of Hokuriku, Japan



Tomoe Terakoshi in Kanazawa travels to North Korea to reunite with her son [25-year ago today]


Tomoe Terakoshi, a Kanazawa citizen, left her home for North Korea to reunite with his son, Takeshi Terakoshi, who went missing in 1963 (13 years old at the time) while on board a fishing boat with his uncles to help them off the coast of the Noto Peninsula.


She is to board a regular passenger ship from Niigata Port to Wonsan Port on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula; and then travel to Pyongyang with her son.

Q. Who is Tomoe Terakoshi?

She is the mother of Takeshi Terakoshi, who went missing while on a fishing boat with Shoji Terakoshi and Sotoo Terakoshi.


At the time, a rescue discovered the uncrewed boat 7 kilometers offshore, and everyone thought they had died in an accident at sea, but more than 20 years after he went missing, Takeshi was confirmed in North Korea.


Takeshi Terakoshi is not a government-certified abduction victim because he insists that a North Korean fishing boat rescued him, but he is considered one of the victims.


Tomoe made 66 trips in sum to North Korea at her own expense. She passed away in February 2024.

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